Welcome to the «Forum Kinderzahnmedizin Schweiz»

Information on the forum
Beiträge: 372
Registriert: 22. März 2010, 11:08
Wohnort: Winterthur / Schweiz

Welcome to the «Forum Kinderzahnmedizin Schweiz»

Beitrag von langerwegerc »

Hello and welcome to the «Forum Kinderzahnmedizin Schweiz».

This platform is designed to deal specifically with everything related to pediatric dentistry and enables members and the public to exchange information, learn and to respond to questions.
We invite you to register and enjoy the interesting cases presented, share your thoughts with your colleagues and we look forward to your own contributions in this forum.

Since September 2011, we offer a multi-lingual interface and a section in english to facilitate access to the information.
In addition to information for a wide public, a section is reserved for healthcare professionals where you will find even more interesting contributions. This special section is accessible only after registration and activation by a moderator or administrator.

To gain access to the section for healthcare professionals registration and proof of being elegible is required . Send the Administrator an e-mail with a copy of your certificate or similar other proof (e.g. Website, Register, …)

In the section for healthcare professionals we have set up the same structure as in the original german forum.
We would be happy if you're interested in helping in the forum with any contributions or as a moderator. Please contact us: admin@kzmch.ch

Please note: information, threads and posts in german that already exist in the forum will not be translated in english.
Only content created in english will be in the english language.

Of course, all suggestions and corrections are always welcome. Contact us at: admin@kzmch.ch

The information I provide in english in the forum is being translated with the help of Google, so the language is certainly a bit bumpy. In addition, not all of the text emails are adapted, some texts are still the "standard" of the forum.
If you want to help with translation, please contact us: admin@kzmch.ch

Thank you for your attention and best wishes, for the administration of «Forum Kinderzahnmedizin Schweiz»

Christoph Langerweger

Legal and Disclaimer: German versions apply. Please read them here and here.
Christoph Langerweger

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